reese witherspoon bikini
Celebrities and their Chihuahuas has become a huge craze in recent years. It seems the popularity of these tiny dogs began with the Chihuahua that stared in the famous Taco Bell commercials. Then of course came Reese Witherspoon in the big screen movie Legally Blonde with her little pal Bruiser. At the top of the craze was non other than Paris Hilton when she appeared on the cover of Seventeen Magazine with her Chihuahua Tinkerbell.
However, these celebrities were not the first to love this amazingly loyal and easy to care for dog; Marilyn Monroe had one of her own that she called ChooChoo. Many stars now have there own Chihuahuas, and some have many more than just one. The daughter of Rod Stewart was seen playing on the beach in a blue bikini with her Chihuahuas, and Brian Littrell was photographed with his wife and two Chihuahuas. The much-loved judge on American Idol, Paula Abdul, has two Chihuahuas named Tumbellina and Tulip.
Madonna and Hillary Duff both have a Chihuahua named Chiquita. These are just a few of the many celebrities that have Chihuahuas. Chihuahuas make wonderful pets for celebrities because they travel well and are very easy to care for. Chihuahuas are extremely low maintenance and love to be around one person or family. They hardly ever run off because they are so content with being with people rather than other animals. They are also easily carried around in shoulder or handbags made for small dogs, which is another reason they are popular choice among so many celebrities.
Chihuahuas were first discovered in the early 19th century along the border of Mexico and Arizona and were first called Arizona dogs. It wasn't until later when it was discovered that the dogs were actually coming from the Chihuahua region in Mexico where they got the name. That seems to have suck with them even now that we are into the 21st century. At first it was believed that Chihuahuas were a mix between a rodent and a dog that was magically created by what were known as Medicine Men.
For the first time in history, Chihuahuas have made the top ten list of most licensed and registered list of dogs in many places around the U.S. in the past year. We all know that this has a lot to do with the media, but the fact that these dogs are so easily cared for and are very loyal play a huge roll as well. Chihuahuas also live decently long lives for dogs; they can live anywhere between fifteen and nineteen years but most live to be about sixteen years of age.
It is no secret that Chihuahuas are loved for their amazing intelligence, loyalty, and love of humans. The dogs are very easy to train and adjust very well to change, which makes them great pets for families or individuals that are constantly on the move. The dogs are so smart that they are popping up more and more on TV and the Big screen. If you decide you want one of these precious dogs make sure it's the qualities of the dog you are after not the fact that your favorite celebrity owns one.
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reese witherspoon bikini

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If you are anything like a typical woman the idea of looking fashionable is almost a must. You subscribe to magazines that show stars and models' sporting many of the fresh new looks for the season and you catch yourself drooling. However, if you truly are like most of the typical women that I know, you don't have a fortune of money to spend on the high fashion shoes, blouses, jeans, and dresses that we would love to introduce to our closet. So what do we do? How can we satisfy our craving of looking like a fashion model without bringing home the check of a model? It all starts with smarts and creativity. It begins with finding ways to mimic the look that you want to achieve for a fraction of the cost!
Sometimes you may not be able to find the exact look that you want for a more inexpensive price. What you have to do is pay attention to what the current style is and start there. For example, a lot of fashion starts with the attractive shoe. What's hot right now are shoes that actually don't match the outfit. Think Reese Witherspoon at the Oscars with a yellow gown and red shoes. Most of us don't think of mismatching to actually match. If you wear black and white, try red shoes to accentuate the outfit. You'll be surprised at how a splash of color can make you look like you spent a little bit more than you may have. Why? Because most people think it costs more to look good, and it doesn't!
The easiest way to copy styles that you yearn for is to subscribe to the fashion magazines that feature many of the models and actresses that you admire. In style, Vogue, and Vanity Fair are a few. Look at what the models are wearing then go to the mall or even the thrift store and match colors and styles together. You'll be surprised at how well this works. You'll be looking like you stepped out of the magazine in no time! Remember to be creative and not afraid to try new things. You may even be surprised about what you have in your closet that can pair nicely with a pair of vintage jeans, or a skirt that looks completely new because you tried a different style of shoe. The sky is the limit! Have fun with your fashion quest, and don't let price tags stop you from looking how you yearn to look!
For the past five years I have been working in the Human Resources Field, and I strongly believe in doing what you love for a living. Also, I have happily been in the Writing Business for most of my life. I have recently founded TheWritersEmporium, a business for those who have great ideas and dreams, but are in need of someone helping those ideas get expressed on paper. My great joy is in helping others achieve their greatest joys.

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reese witherspoon hairstyles
Reese Witherspoon is known by most as a beautiful throw back to a time well before hers. Reese captures beauty and conservatism that most women do not capture today in their morals, beliefs, and style. Fans want to imitate everything about Reese Witherspoon, including her hairstyles and her style of dress because it is so traditionally beautiful. The current Reese Witherspoon hairstyle is very simple as always, but the way she wears it makes it beautiful though it is quite simple. The most current Reese Witherspoon hairstyle is actually darker than usual because she filmed Walk the Line in which she portrayed June Cash, the wife of Johnny Cash. There is no doubt that Reese will return to her blonde roots, but for now it appears she is playing with the darker change.
The Reese Witherspoon hairstyle is generally very simple, it is typically a medium long cut that she wears in various ways. Because the cut is very simple and soft Reese is able to pull it back in a ponytail, in a bun, or she can wear half of it up and half of it down. Reese often wears her hair down and curls it, much like the beauty queen look that has been popular in the past as well as the present. What is so remarkable about the Reese Witherspoon hairstyle is that she does not fall prey to trends; she simply does what works for her. Knowing what works with her face as well as what she can easily pull off with her hair makes Reese Witherspoon stand out.
The Reese Witherspoon hairstyle generally is either straight or curly and falls beautifully and freely around her face and shoulders. The great thing about this hairstyle is that is easy to care for and can be worn just about anywhere. If Reese is just out with her husband Ryan Phillipe and her children she can pull her hair up into a ponytail or if she is out for a romantic dinner she can put a cute pin or clip in her curls and create a whole new look in seconds. Reese has played around with straight styles in the past, but she generally comes back to the loose curl look for the red carpet appearances and just about everything else. These looks are timeless, and Reese can pull them off well every time!
Reese Witherspoon has played around with other hairstyles, as you'll find pictures from a few years back in which she played with the straight and short styles. She looked great with these styles as well because she just knows how to wear her hair in the most attractive styles for her features. Of course, Reese has stylists that work with her, but these simple dos will work for the majority of people because they are simple and easy and they are not too edgy and a lot can be done with them. Reese probably sticks with these easy styles because she does have a family and she is a busy woman!
Color is another thing that Reese Witherspoon has played around with a bit. Reese has worn everything from the warm chestnut colors to the very light blondes and everything in between. Depending on your complexion you can wear one or all of these colors. Reese goes very subtle with highlights, but she has played with them bit as well. Honey highlights as well as more of the nutty color has been a favorite of Reese, all of them beautiful and they work well with the simple cuts that she has worn for quite some time. The key to a Reese Witherspoon hairstyle is simple beauty, simple color, and simple style.

reese witherspoon hairstyles

reese witherspoon hairstyles

reese witherspoon hairstyles

reese witherspoon hairstyles

reese witherspoon hairstyles

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reese witherspoon hairstyles

reese witherspoon hairstyles

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reese witherspoon hairstyles

reese witherspoon hairstyles

reese witherspoon hairstyles

reese witherspoon hairstyles

reese witherspoon hairstyles

reese witherspoon
A Reese Witherspoon hairstyle can give you simple sophistication!
There are many talented actresses who have hair that every woman wants, but the time, stylist talent, and money invested to get and maintain those looks, are things that most of us don't have.
But using a Reese Witherspoon hairstyle to look really elegant and feminine is very simple. She is well known for her classic look and sophisticated style, which is always complemented by the different styles she likes for wearing her hair. She has had many different looks over the past few years, and they can all be done from home with just a few styling products.
A Reese Witherspoon Hairstyle Signature Look
One of her signature looks is her long straight hair with long bangs, and it can be copied very easily. First apply a spray gel or frizz control agent to keep hair looking smooth and flawless, and to also add some definition to the ends. Then run a hair straightener thorough it to work out any kinks, and finish off with a brush to add some texture. This look works great with layered hair when creating a soft look, but can also be done with stick straight hair that needs a little life.
One way that Reese Witherspoon keeps herself looking fresh and sophisticated is with her up-dos, which can be done with either long or short hair. She normally teases up the top or sides of her hair and then pins it back to make it look smooth and structured, and then the back can be done in a number of different styles depending on hair type and length. Using a Reese Witherspoon hairstyle to look stylish yet casual is easy with this basic style, since it can be thrown back into a ponytail or left down for added volume.
Like most famous actresses, Reese Witherspoon also experimented with the bob, and it really worked great for her. It can either be left stick straight for a fun look that is choppy and layered, or large curls can be added to change a day look to night. Add some hairspray or spray gel to the curls to keep them together without a sticky look, or apply wax to straight ends to make them stand out. Using a Reese Witherspoon hairstyle to create an attractive new look can easily be done with a bob, since it is very versatile and easy to work with.

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reese witherspoon

reese witherspoon

reese witherspoon

reese witherspoon

reese witherspoon

reese witherspoon

reese witherspoon

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reese witherspoon