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Yes, we guys are usually an open book to nearly any woman around. Or so we let you think ;) Seriously, there's usually quite a bit you can figure out about us from just a glance in our direction, but there are SOME secrets we keep amongst ourselves, particularly when it comes to relationships. While they are many in number, here are 7 "secrets" that make a woman super attractive in our eyes.
1. Intelligence: Possibly the number one mis-conception is that all men are looking for a dumb chick and an easy lay. Admittedly, sometimes we that is all we're looking for, depending on the occasion (we're not looking for a wifey in the club.) However, what we are truly searching for 90% of the time is a woman that is an intellectual match that we can talk to (talk?!!?) Yes you read that right, we do want you to be smart, in fact it can be a real turn on if you are smartER than us. Just don't let anybody know we said that!
2. Personality: "She's got a great personality" is guy code for "She's ugly but . . ." True enough, but in reality we do want you to have a great personality; it completes the package. Just as a you want a guy that makes you laugh, we want a girl we can laugh with.
3. Not Into Sports: The 8 hour couch potato with a bag of Doritos in one hand and a beer in the other is an all too often used stereotype. Sure, some of us love a game of football, baseball, or F1, but many of us just aren't into the whole sports thing. If you're not into sports either, that's great to us.
4. Looks: Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie; these are widely considered to be the epitome of the perfect woman. While it's hard to deny that woman like them are attractive in our eyes, every guy has his own personal criteria as to what's "beautiful," and many times looking like a perfect barbie doll isn't it. In fact, most of us like a little meat on our women. A bit of booty can go a long way.
5. Bigger Looks: An ample chest can get our attention, but is nowhere near as important as a pretty face. Despite where you see our eyes go, we really are talking to you and not your chest during a conversation.
6. Sex: If you can rock our bed that's fantastic. But if that's all you can do we're going to get bored really quick. Men love woman who are great to be with in and out of bed. After all, sex is all about communication between partners for mutual satisfaction; meaning that if you don't know every position in the book, that's OK because we can learn together. But if you don't know how to speak our language (metaphorically speaking) that's a bit more difficult to over come.
7. Communication: We like it when you talk. We really do. Even if we sometimes space out when you start talking about the latest Twilight movie/book, we do like to listen to what you have to say. Even if we don't show it. Sometimes we just like to hear the sound of your voice, it comforts us, turns us on, and so much more.
7.1 Bonus Secret: We won't admit this to anybody else, but we like Twilight too. So if you want to talk about how "Edward shouldn't have . . ." we're game, it just might be better to do it in private so our less Twilight-inclined friends don't feel left out (code for: "or laugh at us.")
So there you go, confirmation that men actually do want in a woman many of the same things you want in a man. It just takes a little more prodding for us to admit it.

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