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When Stefan Salvatore arrived in Mystic Falls, his brooding good looks won the attention of all the girls at the high school, and the heart of Elena Gilbert. There's little wonder that he caused such a stir with those deep brown eyes and full lips that seem to be just made for kissing. Actor Paul Wesley is the embodiment of Stefan and there couldn't have been a better choice for this role.
Paul was born on July 23, 1982 as Pawel Thomas Wasilewski, or Paul Thomas Wasilewski, depending on where you're getting the information, in New Brunswick, New Jersey. His parents are Polish and he can thank them for being fluent in both English and Polish. Since he was 16 years old he's spent 4 months every year in Poland.
It was while he was a junior at Marlboro High School in New Jersey that he was cast as Max Nickerson in the soap opera Guiding Light. He graduated in 2000 from the Lakewood Prep School located in Howell, New Jersey and went on to Rutgers University. He only stayed one semester, though, because he was offered more roles and realized he could have a career in acting.
Paul's been a very busy young man since he made his life altering decision to make acting his career. In addition to guest starring in various popular prime time television shows, Paul has co-starred in several television series. He played the part of Luke Cates in the short lived Wolf Lake; Tommy Callahan on Everwood; Tommy DeFelice in American Dreams; Aaron Corbett in the mini-series Fallen; Nick in Cane; PFC Logan Atwater in Army Wives; and Stephen in 24. It's clear that Paul has always been in demand. In 2005, Paul decided to change his last name into something a bit easier to say. After consulting with his family and getting their approval, he went from being Paul Wasilewski to Paul Wesley. He has said that changing his name has really helped his career.
In 2010, he co-starred in the movie Beneath the Blue, and has recently finished filming The Baytown Outlaws alongside Eva Longoria and Billy Bob Thornton. This movie is due in theaters this year. He apparently doesn't like to have idle time on his hands while on hiatus from The Vampire Diaries.
With everything that this hunky actor has going on in his life, you might think he wouldn't have time for such trivial things as relationships, but you would be wrong. He met actress Torrey DeVito in 2007 while they were both filming Killer Movie and they've been together ever since. After dating for so many years, they finally married in a secret ceremony on April 16, 2011 in New York City. Torrey was playing the part of Melissa on Pretty Little Liars and is now cast in the role Dr. Meredith Fell on The Vampire Diaries.
The 5'10", spikey haired, bushy browed Paul enjoys snowboarding and playing ice hockey in his spare time. He is close friends with actor Benjamin McKenzie whom he got to know when he played on the O.C. Paul has expressed an interest in expanding his career by trying his hand at writing and directing.
There are some interesting little tidbits about Paul. One of them might amuse those fans of The Vampire Diaries that have thought from time to time that the Salvatore brothers should have been switched. It seems that Paul auditioned for the parts of both Stefan and Damon. However, it was decided that he would fit the role of Stefan, the good vampire, better than Damon. It appears that fans agree with that choice because Stefan has gained quite a lot of popularity since the beginning of the show.
Stefan started out as the "good one" with Damon entering as the "bad one." With each season, these characters have evolved with Stefan getting back in touch with his very dark side. It's a testimony to Paul's amazing acting abilities that he has been able to be believable as the vampire that tries to be good as well as the murderous Ripper character. Not only that, but his transference from one character to the other has been seamless. This last season has watched Elena and Stefan come back together as he seems to have gone full circle. Stefan is good again, but with a definite edge that wasn't always there before.
Paul has said that he would want to be an investigative journalist if he wasn't an actor. That's probably why he has expressed a desire to be a writer at some point. Once that writing bug gets in your system, it's hard to ignore it. Of course, fans would fervently hope that he wouldn't leave The Vampire Diaries to start writing for newspapers. He's way too hot to hide behind a keyboard.
Paul has been a ladies man for many years. He had his first kiss when he was just 9 years old. It happened in a swimming pool when a girl dared him to kiss her. Somewhere there's a woman thinking back to that day and jumping up and down squealing "I kissed Paul Wesley!" She just might surface one of these days and everyone will know who she is. It's doubtful that Torrey has any real competition there, though.
Recently, Paul spoke out at Philly Comic-Con about The Vampire Diaries, and he said that he feels Stefan is going to have trouble with Elena being a vampire, but at the same time he hinted at lots of hot vampire sex in Season 4. One can only hope that he's right about that part.
Oddly enough, Paul admitted to never watching the shows Buffy or Angel even though Stefan has often been compared to the tortured Angel character. He claims to have no idea if Stefan and Angel are similar or not. However, he did label Stefan as "bipolar."
It's obvious that Paul has a wicked sense of humor that goes hand in hand with the many other facets of his personality. Season 4 promises to bring about many surprises. Hopefully, many of them will have Paul as Stefan at their center.

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