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Some of the hottest hairstyles of 2008 are often referred to as Sedu. This is in reference to one of the most popular flatiron companies on the market today. Sedu is the name of their ceramic flatiron and all the celebrities use it to create their sleek and smooth hairstyles. The straighter the better for the hot trends of 2008 and there are a number of celebrities who have taken this and adapted their 2007 hairstyles to blend naturally and fabulously with this years new trends.
Jennifer Aniston is one actress who has always loved the straight look and manages to pull it off with grace and elegance no matter what she is wearing or where she is. Whether she is sporting a short bob or the long tresses which have been known to create her unique elegance, she has always possessed the style which is so much in fashion today. Jennifer Lopez is yet another actress who has passed through many different hairstyle trends but always stuck to the Sedu look and made it look tremendous!
These are not the only two actresses who love the Sedu look. Katie Holmes is currently wearing a sleek and blunt cut bob that is both Sedu and graceful all in one. She offers the traditional, yet side swept bangs to spice up the basic bob into something sultry. These hairstyles are so incredibly easy to obtain, all it takes is one of this famous Sedu flatirons and you have a look of the stars!
For longer hair, the style is very much attainable and perhaps even that more suited for stars like Amanda Bynes and Ashlee Simpson. These are not the only two young actresses who are also taking advantage of this sexy style, but they are to who wear it quite well! It is a bit harder to obtain this sleek look for longer hair cuts only because it can take so much longer to straighten each and every hair section. To obtain these sexy looks yourself it is a great idea to pin up the top layers of your hair and start at the bottom. Once you have the complete bottom layers straightened you can move on to the next layer and so on. This is one of the most effective ways to make sure your hair is straight but not only this, that it stays straight all day.
A great twist on the Sedu hairstyles for longer hair is to keep your hair straight and then create curls which gather at the very tips of your hair. This takes the two most popular trends and creates one elegant and sexy look for any occasion. This style is also easy to create; of course you straighten your hair first and then create the curls you want at the bottom, no matter how wavy or tight you prefer.
This year is all about the straight and sleek styles and if you watch the award shows or the movies you will see that the famous women actresses are wearing these looks and making Sedu look fabulous. You can have these looks too! Glamor is not only for celebrities today, you can create these looks with any type of flatiron and take your flat hairstyle and turn it into something head turning with just a few products and a great flatiron. This is a great new style for short and long hair alike and it really does not matter what your facial shape is because this Sedu look can make anyone look as chic as the stars.

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